Course for Program Managers under NTEP
- PM-01: Basics of TB and NTEP
- PM: TB Laboratories and Diagnostic technologies in NTEP
- PM: TB Diagnosis and Case finding
- PM: TB Treatment
- PM: TB and comorbidity
- PM: Public Health Action
- PM: TB Prevention
- PM-M7_01: Direct Benefit Transfers in NTEP
- PM: Financial management and Planning
- PM: Procurement and Supply Chain Management
- PM: Partnerships, Corporate and Multisectoral engagement
- PM: ACSM and Community Engagement
- PM: Supervision, Monitoring and Evaluation
- PM: Training and capacity development
PM-M02_04: Quality Assurance of TB Detection Centre
- Storing slides at a DMC for QA
- False Positivity and False Negativity in Microscopy
- Measures for Quality Assurance in Microscopy
- Quality assurance of Stains and Internal Quality Control
- Panel Testing
- Onsite Evaluation[OSE]
- OSE Feedback and action required
- Random Blinded ReChecking [RBRC] Concept
- Random Blinded ReChecking [RBRC] Process
- Random Blinded ReChecking [RBRC] Process at DTC
- Random Blinded ReChecking [RBRC] Interpreting Feedback
PM-M02_01: Diagnostic Technologies and Lab Network
- Principles and Methods of Testing for TB diagnosis
- Microscopy in TB Diagnosis
- Cartridge Based Nucleic Acid Amplification Test [CBNAAT]
- TrueNAT MTB and RIF Assay
- Line Probe Assay [LPA]
- Solid and Liquid Culture in TB
- Culture Drug Susceptibility Testing [CDST]
- Laboratory Hierarchy and Network
- Intermediate Reference Laboratories [IRL] and their role
- CDST labs and their role
- NAAT Labs and their role
- Functions of a Designated Microscopy Centres [DMC]
- Sputum Collection centres
- Qualities of a good sputum smear
- ZN Microscopy: Properties of a well stained slide
- Fluorescent Microscopy: Properties of a well stained slide
- Reporting and Recording results of Smear Microscopy (On paper)
- Reporting results of Microscopy
- Tuberculosis Laboratory Register
- Generating the DMC Laboratory Register from Nikshay
PM-M01_02: NTEP
- Evolution of TB Elimination Programme in India
- NTEP NSP targets
- National Strategic Plan [NSP] for TB Elimination 2017-25
- Organizational Structure of NTEP
- The State TB Cell
- State TB Training and Demonstration Centre [STDC]
- District TB Centre [DTC]
- Tuberculosis Unit [TU]
- Peripheral Health Institutions [PHI] and Health Facilities
- DR-TB Centres and Network
- Supervision, Monitoring and Evaluation
- NTEP TB Index - Indicators
PM-M01_01: TB & TB Epidemiology
- Tuberculosis
- Global Burden of TB
- TB Causative organism
- Mode of TB Transmission
- TB Infection
- Progression to TB Disease
- TB Infection Vs Active TB Disease
- Determinants of TB Disease
- Vulnerable Population for Tuberculosis
- Prevention of TB
- Incidence of TB Disease
- Notification
- Burden of TB in India
- Classification of TB on the basis of Site of disease
- Classification of TB on the basis of diagnosis
- Classification of TB cases based on history of Previous TB treatment
- Types of Drug Resistance Tuberculosis -DRTB
- Chemotherapy and its implication in TB control
- Control, Elimination and Eradication