Strategies for TB Treatment
H5ContentPharmacological Basis of treatment
H5ContentTreatment Phases
H5ContentFixed Dose Combinations [FDC]s
H5ContentAdvantages of FDCs
H5ContentFDCs used in NTEP
H5ContentFirst line anti TB drugs
H5ContentSecond Line anti TB drugs
H5ContentTypes of Drug Resistance Tuberculosis -DRTB
H5ContentTB Drug Regimen
H5ContentDR-TB Treatment Regimens
H5ContentTB Treatment Initiation
H5ContentPre-treatment Evaluation of TB patients
H5ContentStart Treatment for DSTB patient & DRTB patient
H5ContentFollow-up of TB patient
H5ContentFollow-up sputum examination
H5ContentAdd and view prescription
H5ContentAdding and viewing Patient Notes
H5ContentAssigning Patients to ART and DRTB Centres
H5ContentUpdating and Viewing patient Health Facility details
H5ContentTB Treatment Outcome
H5ContentClosing Cases and Assigning Treatment Outcomes
H5ContentLong Term Post-treatment follow up of TB patients
H5ContentReinitiating case
H5ContentActive TB Drug Safety Monitoring [aDSM]
H5ContentTransfer of TB Patient Ownership
H5ContentTransferring a patient
General Concepts in TB Treatment for MO-TC