Sputum Collection Process
H5ContentSpot and early morning sputum sample
H5ContentSteps to Ensure a Good Quality Sputum Sample
H5ContentEducating patient on Sputum collection and dispensing Sputum cup
H5ContentRequesting a Test on Nikshay
H5ContentStoring a sputum sample
H5ContentTriple Layer packaging specification for specimen carriers
H5ContentModes of Transportation in SCT
H5ContentRequirements for Packaging a biological Specimen
H5ContentSOP for Packaging for SCT
H5ContentSpecimen Carriers
H5ContentLabelling Specimen Transport Carriers
H5ContentCool Chain Requirement for the Transport of TB Diagnostic Specimens
H5ContentDispatching the sample to a C&DST Lab
H5ContentPatient Turnaround Time from Identification to Treatment Initiation Relative to the Laboratory Technology Used in DR-TB
Specimen collection and transportation for MO-TC