TB Treatment Adherence
H5ContentImportance of Treatment adherence
H5ContentRecording and Monitoring Adherence
H5ContentDigital Adherence Monitoring Technologies
H5ContentDirectly Observed Treatment
H5ContentRecording Adherence in Treatment card
H5ContentRecording Adherence using TB Arogya Sathi Application
H5Content99 DOTS- Features and Benefits
H5Content99 DOTS- Envelopes
H5Content99 DOTS- Envelope Dispensing Process
H5Content99 DOTS- Initiating adherence monitoring of the patient
H5Content99 DOTS- Self Reporting Adherence
H5ContentMedication Event Reminder Monitor [MERM] Boxes
H5ContentMERM Patient Register
H5ContentMonitoring of Adherence by NTEP Staff
H5ContentAdherence Summary Dashboard
H5ContentManagement of Patients with Treatment Interruptions
H5ContentAdherence Register
Adherence Management