Ph-Module 1: Basics of TB and NTEP
Ph-Module 2: TB Treatment
- Ph-Ch6: General concepts in TB Treatment
- Ph-Ch7: DS-TB Treatment and care
- Ph-Ch8: DR-TB Treatment and care
- Ph-Ch9: Shorter Oral Bedaquiline-containing MDR/RR-TB Regimen
- Ph-Ch10: Longer Oral M/XDR-TB Regimen
- Ph-Ch11: Isoniazid (H) Mono/Poly DR-TB Regimen
- Ph-Ch12: TB Infection treatment and care
- Ph-Ch13: TB-Comorbidities and special situations
- Ph-Ch14: General Concepts in Adherence Managament
Ph-Module 3: General concepts and Principles of SCM in NTEP
Ph-Module 4: Inventory Management in NTEP
Ph-Module 5: Logistics and Distribution of Drugs and consumables
Ph-Module 6: Supervision, Monitoring and Evaluation and QA